"You is Kind. You is Smart. You is Important." This is a quote from a book and movie called The Help. It's a story. Just like any other story. Basically, it's about African American housekeepers who work for White Southern housewives in the 1960's and in this one story there are many stories : lessons and teachings and heart tales that make up our humanness. It's a story that pulls at the heart strings and reveals the truths of life in a way where you feel your heart skip a beat, laugh, break, heal and grow. This is a story of time past and yet still relevant to time present even though the historical circumstances are different. The overall quality of the human condition remains. This is how the story of life and the life of story works. We live our lives each day from the time we are born until the time that we die experiencing love, loss, fear, passion, injustice, jealousy, greed, compassion, longing, adventure, generosity, fun, tears, joy and every human quality that exists. From sunrise to sunset for as long as we are alive, we are in a story. The story of our life. And it's powerful because our story is embedded with shared meaning and connection. It's important to share. One way we learn and grow and understand are from the stories of our elders and the stories of our times. A lot of our personal meaning making is derived from stories and sharing tales. And I encourage you to spend some time reflecting on different aspects of your life to find the story and the message that is aching to be told. A dear friend of mine whom I call my sister, Leza Lowitz, is an American born writer living in Japan with her husband and son and she is about to publish her memoir : Here Comes the Sun: A Journey to Adoption in 8 Chakras. I was with her at the beginning of this process years ago when she was very nervous about sharing certain aspects of her truth and yet she felt equally compelled to get her message out to the world. It's a GREAT read and perhaps you will be inspired in reading her story, to share your own. You have a story to share. And it's important. Your life is valid and your experiences are valuable and your perspective is worthy of offering to the world. With the rise of social media, we are able to share our stories more readily and easily. And one thing I am noticing more recently is that people are sharing ALL of their story and not just the good and happy parts but also the tough and suffering aspects of life that are equally, if not more at times, empowering and inspiring. Do you journal? Do you take note of occurrences? How do you share your gifts, your unique teachings, and the lessons of your life with others? Other people truly depend on your perspective and your gifts, so please tell your story. And check out Leza's book. It's a great read and perhaps you will be inspired to share your own life or aspect of your life, too. If you are uncertain or afraid of something, it's a natural part of the transformation process to feel uncomfortable. Just go for it! 'Cuz please remember : "You is important." #secretagentstephanieculen #mydailyom
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E-3 Live For a couple of months I was feeling a bit foggy in the mind and my energy level was waning and yet everything was really good in my health and daily routine. There were no big changes in my life that warranted this feeling and so I was wondering if it may be hormonal or seasonal. Others were claiming astrological shifts. Whatever was happening, it was happening and I was opening to receive some new information to clear the channels and the pathways in my body and mind. I was seeking clarity and sustained energy in a natural form that was plant based and SHAZAM! It arrived. A dear and trusted friend recommended E3Live. I purchased some and started it the next day. Within 24 hours ~ yes, A DAY! ~ I was feeling back on track and better than ever. Astounding!!!!! What is E3Live? E3Live is an all-organic superfood. It is 100% blue-green algae Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA). This nutrient dense superfood contains over 65 vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids. It is a plant-based superfood that is non-GMO, vegan and a rich source of chlorophyll. E3Live is wild-harvested from Klamath Lake in Oregon, USA. This one is my favorites and it tastes pretty good, too! E3Live + BrainON You can find it at Wholefoods in the freezer section by the ice cream or order it here. Definitely visit the E3Live website for all products and information. And, please let me know how I can help you! This stuff is AWESOME!!!!!! As always, check it out for yourself for a week or so and see if it works for you. The company offers a 100% guarantee that you will feel differently! Let me know how it goes! #secretagentstephanieculen #mydailyom #healthandharmony #e3live
The Secrets of Oil Pulling I love my teeth. As a matter of fact : one of my favorite personal care activities is brushing my teeth! So, it goes along to say that I am a big advocate for a healthy mouth which equals a healthy body. I'm often asked how I keep my teeth so white. My little secret is ... oil pulling. Oil pulling is easy. It's fast. It's economical. It's uber beneficial to your oral hygiene as well as your overall well-being. Here's what it is and how to do it : What is Oil Pulling? Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic technique dating back about 3000 years. It involves swishing oil in the mouth for a short period of time between 5 minutes and 20 minutes each day or as a weekly ritual. It is mentioned in the Ayurvedic text Charaka Samhita where it is called Kavala Gandusha or Kavala Graha and is referred to as medicinal gargling. It is a very important element to oral hygiene that has other benefits to the body's overall health and well-being. If we agree that the mouth houses millions of bacteria, fungi, viruses and other toxins, then the oil acts like a cleanser, pulling out the toxicity before they get a chance to spread throughout the body. It's kind of a miracle how it works. If the bacteria, fungi and other toxins are not passed through the system, then the immune system is free to activate other elements and helps the body reduce stress, curtail internal inflammation and other more immediate "attacks" on the system. This all equals a more vibrant body and system in present time. Oil pulling has many benefits and I encourage you to do your research. There are many books and information written on the topic. I would also encourage you to just start doing it and see how you feel. Be your own physician and test the process. How does Oil Pulling Work? First thing in the morning on an empty stomach and before drinking any liquids (including water), take one tablespoon of sunflower or sesame oil or coconut oil into your mouth. Do not swallow the oil but swish it around for 5-20 minutes. You can multi-task here and check your emails, social media, make breakfast for you kids or hang with your pet. Enjoy the swishing and DO NOT SWALLOW! When the time is up, spit out the oil in a napkin and discard in the trash. DO NOT SPIT THE OIL DOWN THE DRAIN UNLESS YOU WANT CLOGGED DRAINS IN YOUR FUTURE! Rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth. And that's it! Continue with your day. It's as easy and beautiful as that. Which Oils to Use Ayurveda traditionally recommended certain oils for oil pulling depending on your dosha : kapha, pitta and vata. Personally, I love sesame oil but many people enjoy coconut oil. Sesame oil is more warming than other oils and may be more gently detoxifying than other oils that are “colder” energetically. It has a somewhat strong sesame flavor, which is a familiar food taste for most people. Sunflower oil has a milder taste if you prefer that. Coconut oil is a familiar taste for many people. It has a cooler energy than sesame oil, so it’s good for people who tend to have a warmer constitution or condition of heat. Some people have reported that coconut oil is more strongly detoxifying, which isn’t always a good thing for some people, so it’s best to be cautious and go slowly You can experiment, trying different types of oils to see which one feels best to you. You can also experiment with oil pulling for a longer or shorter duration, and doing it more or less often. It is recommended to use organic, unrefined, cold pressed oils. Benefits of Oil Pulling 1. WHITENS TEETH Top of the list! The oil has natural antibiotic and antiviral properties that brighten and clean teeth, keeping them quite white. Try it for two weeks and test the results. 2. INCREASES ENERGY Oil pulling lowers the amount of energy the immune system has to generate to continually clear out toxicity. This naturally helps us to feel better holistically. 3. DETOXES THE BODY One of the gateways of germs into the body is through the mouth. Taking out the germs at the source helps to prevent the spread within the body. 4. AIDS HORMONAL CHANGES Without having to compete with other elements, hormones can function better. 5. REDUCES HEADACHES Oil pulling is a big time help with headaches and migraines. All I can say is try it the next time you wake up with a headache from having drank too much alcohol the night before and see how you feel. 6. KEEPS THE SKIN CLEAR Removing toxins from the body that would otherwise make it into the bloodstream means the skin has a chance to shine. Rashes and skin issues often reduce dramatically, or even clear up completely, when oil pulling. 7. PROMOTES ORAL HYGIENE Oil pulling is highly effective at reducing tooth cavities and at eliminating bad breath. When you start this technique, you might experience some of the positive effects immediately, or it may take a few days or even weeks. It will be personal and particular to you and it will also depend on the state of your immune system. Try it! It's easy. And, then let me know how it goes!!!! Are you an Oil Puller? Share your experience in the comments! share with hashtags #stephanieculen #mydailyom #iloveoils #healthandharmony #secretagentstephanieculen
Stephanie Culen#theartoflivingpoetically #talesfromthetreehouse
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