All Days » Day 6
Today you are going to go out on the limb. Go to the edge. Stretch your Self in ways that may feel strange or new or exciting or scary. Your feeling about today's gems will be influenced by how you look at challenges and stepping into unknown territory, and how you feel about looking at your Self in a real way.
Here are your 3 gems for today:
1. Embrace your Shadow. Time to free up energy and get real. What is the shadow? It is repressed unconscious drives, feelings, needs and potentials. Once you know what is behind you and underneath you and what bugs that bajeezzes out of you, you can integrate and embrace all of you and rise to the top of your fullest potential.
Choose what you want to work with. Using a "difficult person" whom you are attracted to or closely involved with can be fun (and awakening!). What is the shadow? Whatever situation creates a negative hypersensitivity or when you are easily triggered, reactive, irritated, angry, hurt or upset. Or there is an overall mood that keeps coming up in your days. Go with it. The shadow can also create a positive hypersensitivity, or you may find yourself easily infatuated, possessive, obsessed, overly attracted or find yourself idealizing situations.
Here's the work. It's called the 3-2-1 Shadow Process by Integral Life Practice.
3 - Face It: Observe your disturbance with attention. Using a journal or my favorite: talk to the mirror! ~ describe the person, situation, image or sensation in vivid detail using 3rd person pronouns like "he", "him", "she", "her", "they", "them", "it", "its", etc. This is your opportunity to let it all fly out of your mouth and mind, particularly what is most bothersome about the person or situation. Be full on expressive! No filters, please. Be honest and free in your communication. The only person in the room is you, so go for it.
2 - Talk To It: Enter into a dialogue with this person or situation using 2nd person pronouns ("you" and "yours"). This is where you enter into a relationship with the disturbance. Talk directly to the person or situation at hand. Remember "they" and "it" are not actually there, but you are simulating the conversation with them. You may start by asking questions such as, "Who/what are you? Where do you come from? What do you want from me? What do you need to tell me? What gift are you bringing me? Then allow the disturbance or person to respond back to you. Imagine realistically what they might say and write it down or vocalize it. Allow yourself to be surprised by the dialogue.
1 - Be It: Now, writing or speaking in the 1st person, using the pronouns "I", "me", and "mine", be the person, situation, image or sensation that you have been dialoguing with. See the world, including yourself, entirely from the perspective of that disturbance and allow yourself to discover not only your similarities, but how you REALLY are one and the same. OH MY. I KNOW. HARD MEDICINE TO SWALLOW. HANG IN THERE. Make a statement of identification: I am __________" or "_________ is me". This, by its nature, will almost always feel wrong and uncomfortable. It's what your mind has been denying!!!!!! But just try it on like a costume and feel it out. It may just be the truth you are seeking. And have been running from all your life.
This last part is super difficult and yet, once you practice it a couple of times, it will become fun and even funny to see that YOU are the DIFFICULT PERSON/SITUATION. It's not "out there". Try it over and over again and see what comes. Write out your explorations in your journal and share what you came up with in the Facebook Group. It's good to be vulnerable.
To learn more about Shadow Work and go further with your study and research, review Ken Wilbur's Integral Life Practice and any of Debbie Ford's work.
Here are your 3 gems for today:
1. Embrace your Shadow. Time to free up energy and get real. What is the shadow? It is repressed unconscious drives, feelings, needs and potentials. Once you know what is behind you and underneath you and what bugs that bajeezzes out of you, you can integrate and embrace all of you and rise to the top of your fullest potential.
Choose what you want to work with. Using a "difficult person" whom you are attracted to or closely involved with can be fun (and awakening!). What is the shadow? Whatever situation creates a negative hypersensitivity or when you are easily triggered, reactive, irritated, angry, hurt or upset. Or there is an overall mood that keeps coming up in your days. Go with it. The shadow can also create a positive hypersensitivity, or you may find yourself easily infatuated, possessive, obsessed, overly attracted or find yourself idealizing situations.
Here's the work. It's called the 3-2-1 Shadow Process by Integral Life Practice.
3 - Face It: Observe your disturbance with attention. Using a journal or my favorite: talk to the mirror! ~ describe the person, situation, image or sensation in vivid detail using 3rd person pronouns like "he", "him", "she", "her", "they", "them", "it", "its", etc. This is your opportunity to let it all fly out of your mouth and mind, particularly what is most bothersome about the person or situation. Be full on expressive! No filters, please. Be honest and free in your communication. The only person in the room is you, so go for it.
2 - Talk To It: Enter into a dialogue with this person or situation using 2nd person pronouns ("you" and "yours"). This is where you enter into a relationship with the disturbance. Talk directly to the person or situation at hand. Remember "they" and "it" are not actually there, but you are simulating the conversation with them. You may start by asking questions such as, "Who/what are you? Where do you come from? What do you want from me? What do you need to tell me? What gift are you bringing me? Then allow the disturbance or person to respond back to you. Imagine realistically what they might say and write it down or vocalize it. Allow yourself to be surprised by the dialogue.
1 - Be It: Now, writing or speaking in the 1st person, using the pronouns "I", "me", and "mine", be the person, situation, image or sensation that you have been dialoguing with. See the world, including yourself, entirely from the perspective of that disturbance and allow yourself to discover not only your similarities, but how you REALLY are one and the same. OH MY. I KNOW. HARD MEDICINE TO SWALLOW. HANG IN THERE. Make a statement of identification: I am __________" or "_________ is me". This, by its nature, will almost always feel wrong and uncomfortable. It's what your mind has been denying!!!!!! But just try it on like a costume and feel it out. It may just be the truth you are seeking. And have been running from all your life.
This last part is super difficult and yet, once you practice it a couple of times, it will become fun and even funny to see that YOU are the DIFFICULT PERSON/SITUATION. It's not "out there". Try it over and over again and see what comes. Write out your explorations in your journal and share what you came up with in the Facebook Group. It's good to be vulnerable.
To learn more about Shadow Work and go further with your study and research, review Ken Wilbur's Integral Life Practice and any of Debbie Ford's work.
2. Eat one meal today in a way that is totally opposite of the way you normally eat. What? Yes. So if you are vegetarian, can you taste a bite of meat. If you are vegan, can you eat a spoonful of yogurt. If you eat meat, can you eat vegetables for a meal. If you eat raw, can you try something cooked. You get the picture. Now I am not asking you to change your moral and ethical viewpoints on matters of food. I am simply suggesting that we have a tendency to make decisions based on beliefs that we label in our minds as truths. Why choose to do this with food? Because eating is tied up with politics and ethics and emotions and socializing and physical conditions. Where is it all coming from? It is important to remember that we are all responsible for making these conscious choices and sometimes it is a fine line between what comes first, the thought about the food choice and/or the feeling about the food choice. I'm not condoning one viewpoint over another. It is an exercise. Even if you can not actually DO IT...that is, eat the thing you feel does not work for you for whatever reason, consider that it is the LABEL that is defining the choice. This exercise opens our mind to the concept that what we believe to be true is determined by how we label and view a situation. Change the label and the way we see things change. It's a practice and you can do it with any thing.
3. And now, for something really fun. Draw a mandala. A mandala is a sacred space that encompasses a divine Universe. It is used for meditation and rituals. Here is an example of one of my favorite mandalas.
3. And now, for something really fun. Draw a mandala. A mandala is a sacred space that encompasses a divine Universe. It is used for meditation and rituals. Here is an example of one of my favorite mandalas.
Create your own personal mandala. Get out your journal and a pen and some fun coloring tools and create your space.
Share your drawings in the Facebook Group or the Shizzle and Shine Method Fan Page.
Share your drawings in the Facebook Group or the Shizzle and Shine Method Fan Page.
~ big big shizzling hug to You!

P.S. Today's gems are super sexy! Embrace them.
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