All Days » Day 31
Hit the reset button and REBOOT today. Even though today might be a "school" day or a "work" day, focus on staying off the electronics as much as possible. Forget about the television today. (If you can work towards forgetting about the television FOREVER, that will really change your life!) Keep the Pandora on silence. Leave the iPod at home. Stay off social media today. Tune in to a new vibration. Cleanse! Focus on eating super healthy whole foods. Breathe. Move your body with a walk, bike ride or dance. Grab a friend, hold hands and hug (and maybe, kiss!) . Get to bed early. Feel gratitude and appreciation for all you have and do!
Here are your 3 gems :
1. A visual reminder to Unplug and Go Outside! Eat your lunch outside. Walk outside. Breathe and smile outside. Stay off the electronics and take a day to feel Mother Nature and her glory and gifts.
Share what you did outside today in the Facebook Group.
Here are your 3 gems :
1. A visual reminder to Unplug and Go Outside! Eat your lunch outside. Walk outside. Breathe and smile outside. Stay off the electronics and take a day to feel Mother Nature and her glory and gifts.
Share what you did outside today in the Facebook Group.
2. Eat as many superfoods as you can today. What are superfoods? Superfoods are considered to be the healthiest foods you can eat because they contain a much higher nutrient-to-calorie ratio than other foods. In the raw food and natural health world, superfoods are major focal points within the diet. Superfoods are GODDESS and KING FOODS. Put them in as many dishes, smoothies and meals as you can. Here is a link to read more about the amazing Superfoods. You can grab most of them at any health food store or Whole Foods store in your area. My favs are chia seeds, cacao, and maca.
Share what you discover for yourself in the Facebook Group.
3. Here is a video to show you how to make a delicious Superfood smoothie!
Share what you discover for yourself in the Facebook Group.
3. Here is a video to show you how to make a delicious Superfood smoothie!
This is a video of my dear friend, Jasmine, who is a certified nutritionist to the "Stars" in Los Angeles. Learn more about her and what she's up to with her Essential Cleanse.
Click here, if you are wondering where to find the amazing Vitamineral Green product shown in the video. It is AMAZING and POWERFUL reboot and cleanse superfood. I also love to use the Mint Magic in my superfood smoothies. Go slow with this product. It's strong. And though Jasmine recommends about a tablespoon in her smoothie, I like to use a teaspoon.
~ big big shizzling hug to You!
P.S. How does it feel to go off-line and fill your body with Superfoods? Tell what's going on for you in the Facebook Group.
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