All Days » Day 22
"The eyes are the gateway of the soul." ~ William Shakespeare
Here are your 3 Gems :
1. Whatever you focus on, it will multiply. Focus on your blessings and they will multiply. Focus on your goals, and they will be met. Focus on your dreams, and they will come true. Your vision for what is possible can become the source of inspiration and guiding intention for your desire.
Write in your journal, your personal vision for the next 6 months. What do you wish for? Where do you wish to go? Who do you wish to see? What adventures are you curious about exploring? Writing down your visions and dreams and intentions is a BIG part in making ideas become realities. DO IT!
2. When you are stuck and need a quick change, shift your attention from what is to what could be. Start dreaming and dream BIG! Breathe into your heart space and have a real in-the-moment vibratory shift. Here's a trick: Play the game with your mind that you are on vacation in your own day in your own home town or wherever you happen to be in the moment. What would a vacation day feel like? There is usually this sense of timelessness and wonder and curiosity and ease when we are on vacation. Take the ordinary day and even if it is a work day, just keep turning the paradigm dial and imagine, for example, you are on a movie set playing the role that you are working in and see what shifts. I know, it sounds strange, but just try planting new imaginings in your mind, and see what happens. And, make it a vacation day! Just like that.
Share your fun in the Facebook Group. How did it go?
3. In the yoga practice, drishti is a term used to fix the gazing point of our eyes while moving or holding a pose. Practicing holding a fixed gaze builds concentration and focus and helps train the mind for deeper meditations. The drishti is also meant to direct our attention to the more subtle aspects of our practice. External sight is distracting and the mind is wandering when we look around too much. The drishti is a way of balancing internal vision with external seeing.
There are a total of nine drishtis. Each pose is typically associated with a particular drishti. A general rule is to gaze in the direction of the stretch and hold the gaze steady.
1. Whatever you focus on, it will multiply. Focus on your blessings and they will multiply. Focus on your goals, and they will be met. Focus on your dreams, and they will come true. Your vision for what is possible can become the source of inspiration and guiding intention for your desire.
Write in your journal, your personal vision for the next 6 months. What do you wish for? Where do you wish to go? Who do you wish to see? What adventures are you curious about exploring? Writing down your visions and dreams and intentions is a BIG part in making ideas become realities. DO IT!
2. When you are stuck and need a quick change, shift your attention from what is to what could be. Start dreaming and dream BIG! Breathe into your heart space and have a real in-the-moment vibratory shift. Here's a trick: Play the game with your mind that you are on vacation in your own day in your own home town or wherever you happen to be in the moment. What would a vacation day feel like? There is usually this sense of timelessness and wonder and curiosity and ease when we are on vacation. Take the ordinary day and even if it is a work day, just keep turning the paradigm dial and imagine, for example, you are on a movie set playing the role that you are working in and see what shifts. I know, it sounds strange, but just try planting new imaginings in your mind, and see what happens. And, make it a vacation day! Just like that.
Share your fun in the Facebook Group. How did it go?
3. In the yoga practice, drishti is a term used to fix the gazing point of our eyes while moving or holding a pose. Practicing holding a fixed gaze builds concentration and focus and helps train the mind for deeper meditations. The drishti is also meant to direct our attention to the more subtle aspects of our practice. External sight is distracting and the mind is wandering when we look around too much. The drishti is a way of balancing internal vision with external seeing.
There are a total of nine drishtis. Each pose is typically associated with a particular drishti. A general rule is to gaze in the direction of the stretch and hold the gaze steady.
The Nine Drishtsi:
- Tip of the Nose ~ Nasagra Drishti
- Up to Space ~ Urdva Drishti
- Tip of the Thumb ~ Angushta Drisht
- Tip of the Middle Finger ~ Hastagra Drishti
- Tip of the Thumb ~ Angushta Drishti
- Right Side ~ Parsha Drishti
- Left Side ~ Parshva Drishti
- Navel ~ Nabi Drishti
- Tip of the Big Toe ~ Padagra Drishti
Photo via Yoga Comics
~ big big shizzling hug to You!

P.S. You have a deep source within you that is your vision. Keep illuminating!
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