All Days » Day 16
Today is a day of trusting our inner knowing and the process of discerning this special type of knowing with ease and grace. Intuition is the ability to acquire information in a way that is not necessarily factual or proven in the moment. The word intuition comes from the Latin word intueri which is usually translated as "to look inside" or "to contemplate". Intuition can be regarded as a the conscious connection between earthly knowing, or relative meaning, and spiritual knowing, or Ultimate meaning and can sometimes feel like flashes of illumination and insight. Today we explore the ways in which we can cultivate intuition.
Here are your gems :
1. Say this sentence with the emphasis on the capitalized letters.
I am my own guru. I AM my own Guru. I am MY own guru. I am my OWN guru. I am my own GURU!
What's happening? Are you getting it? YOU ARE YOUR OWN GURU. Have you seen the documentary Kumare? If not go to the website and watch it! It's about a man born into an Indian family who grew up and was raised in America. He creates a fake religion to see if people will follow him and lo and behold, people do! His message: You are your own guru. I'm not ruining the movie by giving you the message. It's a great film and it has a great message. Gather some friends and pop some corn and have fun!
Trust your Self. Trust your knowing. Trust in your potential. Trust in your faith. Trust your intuition. What you are looking for and searching for is not "out there". You have everything you need. Trust that! And breathe into it. Believe!
2. The Ajna Chakra is the energy center in the subtle body that "tunes" into the intuition. This chakra is located between the eye brows and is commonly referred to as the "third eye". It is where we align our connection to our own inner guidance. This chakra's main intention is to harness the ability to manifest your vision, your light with trust in knowing and also trust in the not knowing. Cultivating this chakra harnesses the ability to "see" with clarity. It is the chakra of perception, perspective, insight, clairvoyance and wisdom.
Meditate on the Yantra (the visual representation of Ajna chakra) for as long as you can sit. See if you can sit for at least 20 minutes. Listen to this as you do it and see what comes! It is what I listened to as a I wrote this day for you! Called the Journey StellarDrone Schumann Mix. You can learn more about it here. Powerful brain entrainment journeying music that connects us to the Earth's frequencies as well as resonating with our own intuitive inner space.
Here are your gems :
1. Say this sentence with the emphasis on the capitalized letters.
I am my own guru. I AM my own Guru. I am MY own guru. I am my OWN guru. I am my own GURU!
What's happening? Are you getting it? YOU ARE YOUR OWN GURU. Have you seen the documentary Kumare? If not go to the website and watch it! It's about a man born into an Indian family who grew up and was raised in America. He creates a fake religion to see if people will follow him and lo and behold, people do! His message: You are your own guru. I'm not ruining the movie by giving you the message. It's a great film and it has a great message. Gather some friends and pop some corn and have fun!
Trust your Self. Trust your knowing. Trust in your potential. Trust in your faith. Trust your intuition. What you are looking for and searching for is not "out there". You have everything you need. Trust that! And breathe into it. Believe!
2. The Ajna Chakra is the energy center in the subtle body that "tunes" into the intuition. This chakra is located between the eye brows and is commonly referred to as the "third eye". It is where we align our connection to our own inner guidance. This chakra's main intention is to harness the ability to manifest your vision, your light with trust in knowing and also trust in the not knowing. Cultivating this chakra harnesses the ability to "see" with clarity. It is the chakra of perception, perspective, insight, clairvoyance and wisdom.
Meditate on the Yantra (the visual representation of Ajna chakra) for as long as you can sit. See if you can sit for at least 20 minutes. Listen to this as you do it and see what comes! It is what I listened to as a I wrote this day for you! Called the Journey StellarDrone Schumann Mix. You can learn more about it here. Powerful brain entrainment journeying music that connects us to the Earth's frequencies as well as resonating with our own intuitive inner space.
3. Use your intuition and solve the riddle:
A man was killed on Sunday morning.
His wife found the body and called the police.
The police arrived and questioned the chef, the maid, the butler and the gardener. Their alibis were:
The chef was making breakfast.
The maid was getting the mail.
The butler was setting the table.
The gardener was watering the plants.
His wife found the body and called the police.
The police arrived and questioned the chef, the maid, the butler and the gardener. Their alibis were:
The chef was making breakfast.
The maid was getting the mail.
The butler was setting the table.
The gardener was watering the plants.
The police immediately arrested the criminal. Who was it and how did they know?
Share your answers on the Facebook Group.
Share your answers on the Facebook Group.
~ big big shizzling hug to You!

P.S. Trust yourself!
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