All Days » Day 14
Today is a day of Soft Surrender. What does this mean? Softening is taking the edge off and offering and surrendering is letting go and opening. A feeling of expansion and offering.
Regardless of gender, we are all comprised of both masculine and feminine energies. Our masculine nature is driven and purposeful and focused and our feminine nature is expansive and fluid and soft. We need a balance of both of these energies and it is normal to toggle between one or the other in different phases of the day and month and year.
Today we "fall back" into the pillow-softness of the feminine and explore presence from this place of opening.
Here are your 3 Gems :
Regardless of gender, we are all comprised of both masculine and feminine energies. Our masculine nature is driven and purposeful and focused and our feminine nature is expansive and fluid and soft. We need a balance of both of these energies and it is normal to toggle between one or the other in different phases of the day and month and year.
Today we "fall back" into the pillow-softness of the feminine and explore presence from this place of opening.
Here are your 3 Gems :
1. Practice Supta Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose) :
This is a lovely restorative pose that opens the hips and heart space. You can use support under the head and the thighs if that is more suitable and comfortable. Breathe deeply into the full body and focus on the breath at the center of the chest and the back. Allow the back body to feel completely supported by the floor and soften the bones and muscles. Keep the breath very full, deep and clear. Close your eyes and drift into the sweetness of the pose. Stay here between 5 and 20 minutes. |
2. Recognize that the Other Person is You.
This sutra comes from the great yogi master Yogi Bhajan who brought the practices of Kundalini yoga to the West.
Here is a link to a teaching and meditation and mantra song by Ek Kong Kaar Kaur Khalsa. The mantra in this teaching is Humee Hum Tumee Tum Wahe Guru which translates to I am Thine, in Mine, Myself, Wahe Guru Here is more of an explanation from the site which offers many resources to explore in Kundalini yoga, meditation and music : |
"When we say, “I am thine, in mine” we are projecting our consciousness and connecting ‘my’ personal self to the sense of Infinity—to Thou. And it is my ‘Thou.’ It is my connection.
Then we say “MySelf!” We have been made whole in that connection and so we declare the reality of our Self. We witness and affirm our reality. We are clear, elevated, illuminated and real. Understand what we are connecting. I am thine in mine. We are speaking in a direct conversation with the Infinity of the Self.
Wahe Guru
Then we multiply that reality to Infinity with Wahe Guru. The affirmation takes us from polarity, to Oneness, to Infinity. The sound and syntax of the sounds bring us into relationship, realization and declaration.
Humee Hum
When we say Humee Hum it is the depth of my own sense of self and consciousness. It requires the heart center.
Tumee Tum
Then we say Tumee Tum and project the depth of the Other—the other person, the other thing, the unknown other. We come into a relationship—a Tantra of God’s play and power.
Wahe Guru
Once again, we exponentiate this polarity to Infinity with Wahe Guru.The realization and embodiment of the sutra “Recognize the Other Person is You” is accepted (beyond all our conscious and subconscious resistances) and accomplished with ease. All that is inside and all that is outside come together and are expanded in Wahe Guru. The heart center and throat center are engaged. On the sound he (hay), the flow of power and energy is felt gently at the brow center to complete the projection.
In this way clarity of mind comes. The sense of personal purpose and life purpose comes. And a profound connectedness with other people and with All that Is arises."
3. Drink delicious hot tea today. Choose a special tea that supports the feminine aspects of surrender like Raspberry Leaf or Nettle or Peppermint or Chamomile. These are the flower and fruit teas. Smell, sip and enjoy!
In this way clarity of mind comes. The sense of personal purpose and life purpose comes. And a profound connectedness with other people and with All that Is arises."
3. Drink delicious hot tea today. Choose a special tea that supports the feminine aspects of surrender like Raspberry Leaf or Nettle or Peppermint or Chamomile. These are the flower and fruit teas. Smell, sip and enjoy!
~ big big shizzling hug to You!

P.S. Softening into the feminine nature is super sexy for men and women.
Lean back and let go.
Lean back and let go.
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